CDR Customization using Call Variables Example

This section provides an example of customizing the CDR to include the 'Var Call User Defined <1-5>' field, whose value is obtained using call variables in Message Manipulation rules.

The example includes the following:

Uses the call variable Var.Call.Src.UserDefined1 (for SBC calls) or Var.Call.Dst.UserDefined1 (for Gateway calls) in a Message Manipulation rule to store the value of the SIP header "X-AccountNumber" received in a 200 OK response.
Customizes the CDR format to add the CDR field "Var Call User Defined 1"', renames it "Account", and obtains its value from the call variable above.
To customize CDR using call variable:
1. In the Message Manipulations table (see Configuring SIP Message Manipulation), configure the following rule:
'Index': 0
'Name': Store X-AccountNumber header
'Manipulation Set ID': 5
'Message Type': Invite.Response.2xx
'Action Subject': Var.Call.Src.UserDefined1 (for SBC calls) or Var.Call.Dst.UserDefined1 (for Gateway calls)
'Action Type': Modify
' Action Value': Header.X-AccountNumber
2. In the SBC CDR Format table or Gateway CDR Format table, configure the following rule:
'Index': 0
'CDR Type': Syslog SBC (SBC CDR Format table) or Syslog Gateway (Gateway CDR Format table)
'Field Type': Var Call User Defined 1
'Title': Account
3. (Gateway calls only) Configure the [GWInboundManipulationSet] parameter to "5" (i.e., value of 'Manipulation Set' parameter, above).

The following shows an example of a received SIP 200 OK response message with the X-InContact-BusNo header:

SIP/2.0 200 OK
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKac166782921
Contact: <sip:Stack@>
To: <>;tag=87245f3d
From: "usera"<>;tag=1c1187059515
Call-ID: 628022773122202022133@
Session-Expires: 1200;refresher=uas
Content-Type: application/sdp
Supported: timer
X-AccountNumber: 87654321

The following shows the generated CDR:

  |Orig |Account|
|LCL |87654321|